
School Info

You don’t need to populate all the fields but it is better if you do enter all the fields so that Parents/Students can see School-Info online rather calling you guys.
yes, it is mandatory.
These are not mandatory to upload. However, it will be good for your school-info page to have contact information for all these people.


• This is the second step of initial school setup process.
• You should create all the Subjects, you teach in your school.
• These subjects will be assigned to teachers when you reach teachers-setup-process.
Yes, if it is not yet assigned to any teacher. However, you cannot delete OR edit, if it has been already assigned to a teacher.


• This is the Third step of initial school setup process.
• You should create all the Classes & Sections, you have in your school.
• These Classes will be assigned to Class-Registers when you create for each session-year.
Yes, if it is not yet assigned to any Class-Register. However, you cannot delete OR edit, if it has been already assigned to a Class-Register.


• This is the Fourth step of initial school setup process.
• It defines, Start and End dates for your School session-year.
• You select “Saturday Off” checkbox if your school remains closed on Saturday otherwise leave it UNCHECKED.
• Also, you need to set this up at the start of every session-year, means once previous session-year has been ended.
No, It is not allowed to delete a session once it’s created.
Yes, You can edit a session as far as End-date has not passed yet.
Sure, You can change it, as far as End-date has not passed yet.


• This is the Fifth step of initial school setup process.
• We recommend to add all the Holidays right after Session-year created.
• You should have all the holidays ready and compiled for the whole session year to add them.
Sure, You can, as far as Holiday-date has not passed yet.
Sure, You can, as far as Holiday-date has not passed yet.
Nope, System does not allow to add any Holiday for the past date(s).


• This is the Sixth step of initial school setup process.
• You should do this section when setting up this application for your school.
• You can add teacher whenever a new teacher joins your school.
• Make sure you enter data for all teachers including Principal and Vice-Principal otherwise they won’t be able to login APP.
Yes, you can add new teacher anytime.
Yes, you have to add them otherwise they will not be able to login to APP OR see any school notifications.
No, you cannot. However, you can add as a teacher but assign non-teaching title and don’t assign to any class. This will help them to login to app and get all the school notifications.
Goto --> teachers section and EDIT the teacher who has left the school. Populate termination-date, reason and then save it. Now, this teacher will be inactive and will not be able to thru the APP.
Nope, once you mark a teacher as “terminated”, He/she cannot access your school’s data on app. He/she can use same APP account if joins other school.


Goto --> “Class Registers” --> “Class Students”. Here, you will see all the students of a class and related documents.
Goto --> “Class Registers” --> click on the “edit” icon to edit it the class you want to change Class-Teacher. Here you can modify most of the information except Session-year and Class-name. It is not allowed to change because there may be students assigned to this class OR documents uploaded to the students for this class.
There are many ways to do this…
1. Class Teacher can mark attendance on Zumily-School app.
2. School Admin can also mark attendance on after login to the school account as…
a. Goto --> “Class Registers” --> “Attendance”. Here, you will be able to take attendance for a specific class.
b. Click on “Attendance Icon” in HEADER which will take you the page where you can mark attendance for a specific class.
c. There is “Attendance” section on the DASHBOARD. Click on a class, you want to take/edit attendance. This will take you to the Attendance page of the selected class.
Yes, you can do this by two ways as:
1. Class Teacher can go to Attendance tab, select “History” tab and select specific date you want to modify.
2. Goto --> “Class Registers” --> “Attendance”. Select specific date and modify it.
3. Click on Attendance icon in HEADER, select specific class and date you want to EDIT attendance.
4. Goto --> “DASHBOARD” --> “Attendance” section,
a. Click on a specific class you want to EDIT.
b. Change the date, you want Attendance to be edited.

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